Tuesday, September 22, 2009


right now i should be going to bed but i just thought i should write a little. i still do not have a job but i think i found happiness. today i woke up at 8am to my three kids and then i taught them about an island called lono and how it came to be. then we played. i had fun playing with them. after our learning and playing, my oldest daughter cristiana played a mean cat like she often does, while elli, asher and i hid under the blankets where she could not get us, then we held hands and went out to find the mean cat. then cristiana aka mean cat jumped out and chased us back to the bed. after an hour of this we are all tired and ready for lunch. after all this i made dinner and went on to my hobbie refereeing which could turn into a career. this day was a fun day and i learned that life is a lot more enjoyable when you do the things you love with the people you love.


  1. Cherrish the moments, nice entry.

  2. Any more recent updates? Just wondering how you guys are doing.
